Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Visit of the Danish Teachers

Last week my class and I had the great opportunity to find out how a boarding school is organized. A group of Danish people came to our school and explained us many interesting things about that institution like gardening and knitting. I like the education in Denmark more because unlike in Romania, they teach practical things that get you ready for life. The teachers didn't just tell us how education works in their country, they were also interested in our habits, the way we feel about education in our country, how we have fun. This not only broke the ice, it somehow got us as a class closer together as we found out things about each other we didn't know until then. I observed that they have a friendly relationship with their students and they can discuss anything. I would like it to be similar in our schools too.
I learned a lot from this class and I hope we will meet them again!

Ilinca Costin

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why young People smoke

Cigarettes have a negative effect on our health, but few young people care. Only when they go to the doctor because they can’t breathe very well and feel really bad, do they realize that they had made a terrible mistake. Sometimes it is too late for them…they have cancer.
Students want to show their peers that they can smoke and they are very proud of this thing. Even if they talk to their parents about smoking they don’t seem to learn anything. Even if the break is only 10 minutes long, students don’t miss the opportunity to smoke. Moreover, regulations prohibit smoking in the school area, but students are not willing to obey the school rules.
Smoking one cigarette shortens your life by 7 minutes. Smoking a pack of cigarettes per day shorts your life 140 minutes per day, 51,100 minutes / year or 35.5 days per year. This means that smokers have fewer years to 11 months! But if you try to explain a student this thing, he or she will start laughing. The entourage influences students as well. If you want to be friend to some kids who smoke you have to smoke too. I would advise all my friends not to let anyone influence them.
Furthermore, some students want to show that they are similar to adults; they want to experience new things or lose weight. Cigarettes don’t make you a rebel, they just slowly kill you. For these reasons the authorities have decided to put some shocking images on the cigarette packs with slogans like “Smoking kills” or “Smoking affects those around you”. I really hope this measure will prevent young people from taking up this terrible habit.
To conclude with, I would like to say that we have to think twice before we light our first cigarette as our health should be the most important thing for us.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I wish you all Happy Easter! You were all very hard-working today and I'm proud of the way you all got involved in cleaning the classroom. Don't forget to take photos for the Spring Competition!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

TOEIC Online

Today we organized a simulation test.

Monday, March 29, 2010

My Favourite Season

My favorite season is summer. I like the other seasons as well, but summer is the best for me.
First of all, I like summer because the weather is hot. Some people think that summer is too hot, but I just love it as it is. The sky is always blue and it hardly ever rains, and if it does, it is a warm and pleasant rain. I usually enjoy walking in the rain because it relaxes me. I like spending the long summer days out and sometimes even the short and warm nights. I like this season very much because it is the season of the perfumed flowers and the taste of healthy fruits from grandma’s garden.
Furthermore, I love holidays, especially the long summer holiday. I like spending my holiday with my family and friends, as well as travelling and visiting new places. From June till the end of August I like sleeping a lot in the morning, enjoying parties and sometimes pyjamas parties, reading a lot and staying with my friends playing basketball or listening to music. In the summer holidays I also go to my grandparents. I like the refreshing air because there I can find the tranquility I need after the noisy days spent in the city. I like helping my grandparents with the animals and other interesting things. I also learn about the customs and traditions of the Romanian village.
These are some of the reasons why I love summer and I consider it the best season of all. It offers me time for fun and meeting new people. This season gives me the feeling of joy that no other season does.

Balogh Anita
Cls. a 9-a E

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Interviewing a foreigner

It was great interviewing Mrs. Beverley Killeen within the framework of the Comenius project Immigrants!